ESG performance
in Pigment

Collect data , ensure performance , and bring E, S and G matters at the core of every decision.

ESG performance as we know it is broken

ESG performance is essential for any organization to ensure resilience, but companies have to face challenges.

  • New regulations are bringing more data points to collect from various entities

  • ESG data is still collected using spreadsheets or manual processing, that impact the accuracy of the data collected

  • Few systems allows companies to co-pilot and monitor ESG

Pigment’s approach to ESG

Pigment is convinced that impact can only happen via smarter ESG decision-making, enabled by collaboration, multi-dimensional data collection and modeling, comprehensive reporting and scenario modeling.

Collect accurate ESG Data

Collect your data from different sources, via API integrations with all the major business applications, manual inputs, or data imports.

  • All internal and external ESG data points in one space, accessible to all functions (Finance, CSR, Business, Operations, HR, Sales, Supply Chain)

  • Embedded workflows and alerts to ensure validation process

  • Fully traceable data to facilitate reporting and audits

Report in line with regulations

Effectively communicate ESG performance to your stakeholders.

  • Tell your ESG story internally and externally with impactful data visualization

  • Ensure the right data is shared with the right people with granular access rights

Ensure ESG performance

Focus on performance management, integrating ESG considerations into the rest of your organization's financial and operational strategy. Use Pigment's capabilities for in-depth analysis and set targets and action plans in line with your company's ESG strategy:

  • Model

  • Collaborate

  • Report

  • Simulate

Your CSRD Reporting in Pigment

Collect your ESRS Disclosure requirements, manage your impacts, risks and opportunities, and report in compliance with CSRD.

  • ESRS readiness: ESRS Disclosure requirements available so you can choose the ones you want to report on

  • Granularity: Determine the scope of each Disclosure requirement

  • Audit: Follow the audit trail of all your data

  • Performance management: From target setting to assessing the impact of your action plans and scenario planning

Key features for effective ESG performance

Automated data imports

Collect your ESG data from different sources, using API connectors, manual inputs or data imports.


Build end-to-end workflows and facilitate collaboration between the different stakeholders involved in ESG reporting.

Actuals and forecasts

Set-up ESG targets and monitor your progress to adjust your plans over time.

On-the-fly scenarios

Simulate and test hypotheses to go beyond current ESG performance and make informed decisions.

“Our stakeholders are able to see all the categories that make up their footprint, get a clear view of the actions they can take, and assess the impact on a clear KPI.”

Group Environment Director,