
2024 Dresner Special Report: Anaplan versus Pigment

This special report draws upon data gathered from Anaplan and Pigment users to provide an impartial comparison of these vendors within the broader market context.

Pigment is an Overall Experience Leader

This report compares Anaplan and Pigment on key aspects such as usability, integration capabilities, performance, scalability, and support. The goal is to provide a clear understanding of how each platform meets the needs of modern enterprises and supports their overall performance management initiatives. The measures used to evaluate the vendors are grouped into several categories.

Key takeaways from the report:

  • Pigment is positioned as an Overall Experience Leader with high scores for both product/technology as well as sales and service. Anaplan straddles the line between Overall Experience Leader and Technology Leader, with higher product/technology scores but lower scores for sales and service.
  • Pigment is a Credibility Leader with high scores for value and confidence. Anaplan is a Trust Leader with lower scores for both confidence and value.

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Dresner Special Report: Anaplan versus Pigment Webinar

Watch our conversation with Howard Dresner, founder and Chief Research Officer at Dresner Advisory Services as we explored the findings behind the firm’s 2024 Special Report: Anaplan versus Pigment.

The information contained in all Wisdom of Crowds® Market Study Reports reflects the opinions expressed in the online responses of individuals who chose to respond to our online questionnaire and does not represent a scientific sampling of any kind. Dresner Advisory Services, LLC shall not be liable for the content of reports, study results, or for any damages incurred or alleged to be incurred by any of the companies included in the reports as a result of its content.

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This study was not commissioned by Pigment.