Updated February 4, 2025
Unless otherwise agreed between You and Pigment, Pigment will provide support and maintenance services (“Support Services”) to You in accordance with this Support and Maintenance Policy (“Policy”) following Your entering into the Master Services Agreement (or other similar agreement) with Pigment covering Your use of the Solution (“Agreement”). Unless otherwise defined below, capitalized terms used in this Policy have meanings given to them in the Agreement.
1.1 “Support Region” means (i) AMER if the entity that has entered into the Agreement with Pigment is incorporated in North America or South America (collectively “Americas”); and (ii) EMEA if the entity that has entered into the Agreement with Pigment is incorporated outside the Americas.
1.2 “Business Day” means each day when Support Services are provided in the applicable Support Region as specified in Section 3 below.
1.3 “Business Hours” - mean the working hours in the applicable Support Region as specified in Section 3 below.
1.4 “Incident” means any defect or non-conformity in all or part of the Solution while the Solution is used in accordance with the Agreement and Our instructions. There are three levels of Incidents, ‘Critical’, ‘Significant’, and ‘Minor’. These are defined in Section 3.
1.5 “Initial Response Time” or “IRT” means the number of hours during Business Hours it takes for Us to send Our first response after You raise an Incident in accordance with this Policy.
1.6 “Subsequent Response Time” or “SRT” means the number of hours during Business Hours it takes for Us to send You a response or an update following Our previous communication. The SRT is only required when the ticket status is ‘Open’ and awaiting a response from Pigment. If alternative SRT’s are agreed within the ticket then this takes precedence.
1.7 “Premium Support” means the premium support offering You may have purchased from Pigment.
1.8 “Production environment” relates to the live, business-facing Pigment Workspace used by You.
2.1 Support Services are provided to You within Your Support Region as specified below:
EMEA - Support Services are provided between 09:00 to 18:00 (Central European Time) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with the exception of the following bank holidays:
AMER - Support Services are provided between 09:00 to 18:00 (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with the exception of the following federal holidays in Canada:
3.1 Incidents are classified as follows:
a. Critical Incident > Priority 1, the Solution cannot be accessed or its core functionality is not usable and there are no valid workarounds. Examples include but are not limited to;
b. Significant Incident > Priority 2, the Solution is not behaving as expected, but for which a workaround exists. Examples include but are not limited to:
c. Standard Incident > Priority 3, the Solution is behaving as expected but there are one or more issues that don’t affect normal usage of the Solution. Examples include but are not limited to:
d. General Requests > Priority 4, the Solution is behaving as expected. This is a general query related to using the Solution’s features available within Your plan or providing feedback on the Solution. Examples include but are not limited to:
e. Exclusions > Support Service does not cover building new, or extending existing, use cases or models within Pigment or granting additional licenses.
3.2 You should communicate with Us in relation to an open ticket promptly. Your priority level may be downgraded if You do not respond promptly.
3.3 Incidents are dealt with following the below timelines which apply during Business Hours during Business Days in Your allocated Support Region.
3.4 The Incident classification provided on creation of the ticket will be reviewed and amended if necessary by Our support specialists. If Your Incident is re-classified You will be notified in the ticket.
3.5 Incidents can be raised via our ticketing system, accessed by the web page Submit a request – Pigment
3.6 We will use commercially reasonable efforts to comply with the below response times:
Essentials Support Response Times
Professional Support Response Times
Enterprise Plan Support Response Times
4.1 We will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide corrective maintenance as necessary to fix incidents in accordance with this Section 4. Pigment will provide You prior notice of any scheduled maintenance. Where downtime is required for planned essential maintenance, We will utilize out-of-hours periods where possible to minimize disruption. We determine the resources, tools, methods and means of performance required to perform maintenance.
4.2 Issues not covered by the maintenance includes any issue:
4.3 Our official language for communication is English. We will endeavor to provide support via a French-speaking representative available during EMEA business hours.